MORIHICO & The Alternative MORIHICO & The Alternative| Part-time job, part-time job Let's work at Parco, Sapporo PARCO - Parco -

Recruitment information of MORIHICO & The Alternative

Those who want to work related to coffee or those who want to brew delicious coffee on their own.

MORIHICO & The Alternative

Those who want to work related to coffee or those who want to brew delicious coffee on their own.

Household goods and interiors
Part-time job
1,000 yen or more per hour
Welcome inexperienced persons
Welcome to students and part-timers
Transportation expenses
There are pay raises, bonuses and special allowances
There is an employee appointment system

The staff in their 20s and 30s are active at Morihiko and Di Altanative.
If you want to work related to coffee, aim to open a business, improve your customer service skills and improve your skills, why not enliven the coffee industry in Hokkaido together?
MORIHICO. You can learn the delicious extraction method of coffee well and learn more about coffee than deep roasted coffee.

  • MORIHICO & The Alternative
  • MORIHICO & The Alternative
  • MORIHICO & The Alternative

Details of Offer

Job type
Customer service sales
Type of Employment
Part-time, part-time
Work content
Sales, customer service, coffee extraction, etc.
From 1,015 yen per hour
※¥1,010 during the trial period
※Give preferential treatment based on experience and ability
Working hours and days of the week
◆Shift system
◆Consultation on time and day of the week
◆Break 60 minutes
◆From 6 hours a day
◆2 days a week~
Qualifications and Experience
◆Welcome those who can work for a long period of time
◆Welcome inexperienced persons
◆Welcome to students and part-timers
◆Those who like PARCO and MORIHICO
◆Transportation expenses (up to 820 yen per day)
◆Fully social insurance
◆There is an employee recruitment system
◆Employee Benefits
How to apply
Please apply by the "Web application here" button or telephone.
Application Office TEL
In charge of recruitment
Masabuke (Shobuke)
Official website