Improve your skin! Albion Flora drip
ROSEMARY Sapporo store (^ @ ^) /
The hot topic Flora Drip,
Have you tried it yet?
Flora drip
160ml 13,000 yen (excluding tax)
80ml 7,000 yen (excluding tax)
Two months after the release, repeaters have already occurred!
With the power of fermented beauty essence ingredient "Muller"
Tension, gloss, wrinkle, dullness,
What is the trouble of every aging?
The care is complete with this one.
If you haven't experienced it, please go to the store first.
You can also try it.
Also, from December 18th
"Winter Present" starts!
By purchasing Flora drip
The topic of medicinal wrinkle improvement cream
Four rinkle repair lifts and
High-performance beauty essence
A set of 3.0ml Eclafture will be presented!
Albion's strongest anti-aging triple
Please take this opportunity to enjoy it!
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