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Announcement of PARCO Event!


Thank you very much for always reading the Journal Standard blog.

This is Fujitani, who is in charge of blogging.


We are pleased to announce that the Parco event will be held on the following schedule.


From September 15 (Fri) to September 18 (Mon)


When purchased with PARCO Card, 10% off at the cash register.

In addition, at the time of withdrawal, it is very advantageous at 5% OFF.


There are also expensive outerwear that are usually difficult to purchase.

During the event period, you will be able to purchase at a reasonable price by using the PARCO Card.












In conjunction with this event, we have a wealth of autumn and winter items from each brand.

It is a restaurant with a great selection.


Also, from tomorrow, we will hold a reservation campaign in conjunction with the PARCO event.

Please take advantage of this opportunity.




Then we look forward to your visit.





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