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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice

✨"Rooney Tunes" collection✨

Hello everyone✨
Thank you very much for always reading your blog.✨

This time, I would like to introduce the "Rooney Tunes" collection.✨

The wallet accessories with a cute pattern design with expressive toe tea are yellow stripes inspired by Towe tea and the color scheme of light blue inspired by the color of eyes are impressive.✨
"Wai Nekotan" that Tweetti says to Silvester in his work.
The point is that the line of "I saw, saw, cattan" is hidden in the design.

Shoulder bags designed with toe tea in color schemes of beige and brown with a natural impression, and smartphone shoulders will also appear.✨✨
Please check out the item with a comic-style pop finish while giving a gentle color scheme.

We have also started selling at Frog Parco, so please take a look.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.♡


SamanthaThavasaPetitChoice Sapporo Parco Store
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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice