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ayame 【KAGE】

Hello everyone.
Thank you very much for visiting the POKERFACE blog.

It was a very sultry day due to the temperature, such as light rain today. 。
The hot days continue, so please be careful with heat stroke and others.

By the way, today, after a long absence from the popular brand [ayame], the popular model "KAGE" has been restocked!

price: 38.500+tax

"KAGE" is a model inspired by the driver's glass that appeared in the 1970s. The large teardrop-based design is an Aiko Nic model that truly matches modern trends from the birth of the model. It is a mode-shaped shape reminiscent of the 80s and 90s, and it makes you feel a unique presence in the collection of ayame.

It goes very well with color lenses, so it would be good to match them with POKERFACE original 2-curve lenses or dimming lenses with a wide range of color lineups. ?

The arrival color this time is one for each of the classic "BK" and "BR". Please drop in as soon as possible!

This is also updated from time to time. Check it out!
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