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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice

2025 Flower Collection!!

It's Nanba of SamanthaThavasaPetitChoice Sapporo Parco store.★

The day before yesterday, I went to Kloro, but with a feeling of heavy snowfall
This year's snowboarding closed!

I fell down and got my wrist! Laugh

Today, I would like to introduce the new series of this season.★

The motifs such as flowers, ribbons, and hearts always make women's hearts excited.
It symbolizes cuteness,,, mal︎

This time, flowers with ivory epo are placed in the center and bracket flowers are placed on the side.

In order not to be too cute, I dare to design it without adding too much color.
It is a series filled with special attention.

・The card pockets are particularly rich in long wallets, so it is recommended for those who emphasize storage capacity.◎
・The coin purse is also separated, making it easy to sort.
・There is also a partition in the wallet, so it is easy to use because bills and cards can be sorted.

▼Storage capacity
Card pockets x 16
Free pockets x 4
Back pocket x 1

Long wallet cover ¥26,400 -
Round zip-long wallet ¥26,400 -
Fold wallet ¥23,100 -
Pass case ¥15,400 -

Please take a look at it!

SamanthaThavasaPetitChoice Sapporo Parco Store 011-233-3737


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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice
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