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Let's take in the wine color☆


ROSEMARY Sapporo store♪
Every year at this time
Grape and Bordeaux color
It's a trend, isn't it?♪
It's not too bright and a deep color.
It's easy to try.♪
The trend color is also available from Ettusais.
It was released!
The name is "Wine Color"!
The bottle looks like a wine bottle.
It's cute.♪
[Crayon Rip & Teak]
¥1,200 each (excluding tax)
The coloring as you see lasts!
It's a semimat finish.☆
[Cream Eyeliner]
¥1,000 (excluding tax)
If you look closely, it contains fine lame.♪
Please try it at the store.♪
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