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  3. "Shimone Pereire Fair"
b. c. minette by wacoal

"Shimone Pereire Fair"


I've dreamed of import lingerie.
A wonderful lingerie seen in one scene of a movie or in magazines

This is the only SHOP in Hokkaido that has imported lingerie handling at the Baseminet PARCO store.✨

We sell brands such as "Simone Pereire" and "Amplitit", which are popular in Western Europe, and "Cristi's" with a playful Italian style!

As a reward for myself who always works hard…♡

Photo.1 amplitude
・Brager ¥19,000 + Tax
・Shorts ¥8,000 + Tax

Photo.2 Simone Pereire
・Brager ¥20,000 + Tax
・Shorts ¥12,000 + Tax

Photo.3 Christie's
・Brager ¥30,000 + Tax
・Shorts ¥11,000 + Tax

During the period from May 28th to June 12th, we are holding a campaign to draw lots for customers who purchase more than ¥21,600 of Simone Pereire products!

1st class "Famous Brand Champagne"
2nd class "Original Mug"
There is no problem!

We are waiting for you at the store!
Shop Information
Shop name
b. c. minette by wacoal